In 2020 and 2022 Seismic Partner in collaboration with industry partners covered the Nova, Vega, Aurora, Grosbeak, Orion/Beaujolais, Gjøa, Titan and Tethys fields and discoveries. The 2020 survey was the world’s first true Hybrid 3D acquisition, whereby ocean bottom nodes (OBN) and high-density streamer data were acquired simultaneously, resulting in significantly improved imaging.
The 2022 program was acquired with ultra-high acquisition specifications resulting in fold of 128 within each bin cell with size of 7.5 x 6.25m. The high fold and small bin size gave a fantastic base for data processing.
2020: 962 km2
2022: 420 km2
2D seismic
3D seismic
High-resolution 3D seismic
OBN seismic
Seismic Partner acquires first ever true hybrid survey