Capital increase spring 2022

In line with the company’s objectives, the board continuously assesses the possibilities for expansion and further development of the company’s operations. In collaboration with selected partners, Seismic Partner has planned to execute two to three seismic projects during 2022.

Drone photo: BGP Prospector on Q35

Therefore the company wants to carry out a capital increase. The total framework for the increase is USD 8 million. The capital increase will be carried out in two tranches, each amounting to approximate USD 4 million.

– Batch 1 will be completed in May.

– Batch 2 will be carried out in collaboration with, with a planned opening on 9 June 2022.

North sea node

Successful North Sea node deployment

We are happy to announce the successful mobilisation and deployment of our Seisnode nodes on a project offshore the west coast of Norway. The weather was fantastic, and the operation…

Office Relocation

Seismic Partner's Stavanger office has recently moved into new premises in downtown Stavanger. The premises are in the new K8 building, and the address is Knud Holms gate 8.
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